
L.I.S offers a wide range of sports and recreational activities to cater for different interests and aspirations. These include whole school sports days and house competitions where the emphasis is about fun, personal achievements, and participation. We have a number of teams in local schools’ competitions and many of them perform to a very high standard. Our philosophy is that every student who wishes to participate is able to do so. Staff and parents work together to support our teams.

We have a number of teams in local schools’ competitions and many of them perform to a very high standard. Our philosophy is that every student who wishes to participate is able to do so. Staff and parents work together to support our teams. Levin Intermediate belongs to both Super Sport (Manawatu-Whanganui Intermediates) and WRISSA (Wellington Regional Intermediate Schools Sports Association). This is where our students get to compete against other Intermediates right across the lower North Island. These provide our top sports people and teams with the opportunities to challenge themselves beyond our district. AIMS Games is the largest sporting event in Australasia for Year 7 and 8 students. Every year we send students – in 2019 we took approximately fifty. Covid-19 put a halt to the 2020 and 2021 AIMS Games, but it is back on for 2022! Because so many sports have been cancelled in 2020 and 2021, some of our photos are a bit out of date.  Hopefully we soon have plenty of new photos to share!

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